A collaboration between the Community Foundation of Warren County and Warren General Hospital will enable more patients to receive treatment locally.
The Community Foundation provided a $125,000 grant to fully fund the purchase of a stereotactic breast biopsy unit.
The biopsy unit will work in tandem with the hospital’s Hologic 3D mammography equipment.
“The unit will provide a non-surgical way to obtain the tissue samples needed to make a conclusive diagnosis of breast tissue,” according to a release from the Community Foundation. “Two digital X-ray images of breast tissue are taken at different angles. A computer uses the images to locate the abnormality and calculates precise coordinates. The computer guides the physician in placing the biopsy needle at the correct target point to obtain a tissue sample.”
“The procedure is state-of-the-art and provides early, accurate results,” according to the release. “This procedure is highly accurate, less invasive, and less painful for the patient as compared to other methods.”
The procedure is done on an outpatient basis, allowing patients to resume their normal activities right away.
Previously, “patients had to travel out of town to have the procedure done,” according to the release.
That required scheduling and added stress and travel complications to patients and their families.
“In addition, Warren General Hospital believes the procedure can be done at less cost,” according to the release.
“The foundation quickly stepped up to fully fund this acquisition,” Community Foundation Executive Director Robert Kaemmerer said. “It was good for our community, its citizens, and for the hospital.”
“We helped with the acquisition of the 3D mammography unit and this was an essential complimentary piece of equipment that was needed,” Kaemmerer said.